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Flash Cards in Buzz

Date: October 28, 2021
Time: 4:00–5:00pm
Facilitator(s): Sue Steiner, Kiel & Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS) Math Teacher

Flash cards is a new feature in Buzz that is easy to use, but can be a great review feature for students. Flashcards are non-gradable activities designed to allow learners to review content and help them commit it to memory. Authors can add text or an image to each side of each card. Learners see the front of the card, and try to remember, imagine, guess, etc. what's on the other side. Flashcard activities are marked complete when a learner has flipped all of the cards in the activity. Whether you want to add flash cards to your My Resources course to use in multiple sections or just to add to one course section, the facilitator will show you how she has used them in her math course. Lists of ideas for other content areas will be shared. There will be time to create one of your own during the session.

Connection to National Standards for Quality Online Teaching: B2, B3, D3, F6, G8